Tritanopia People with Tritanopia lack blue con cells | |
By testing with different colors we are able to understand which colors you may have difficulty seeing | On a computer the keyboard or number pad can also be used |
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
18Duis mollis vehicula lectus, non aliquam nisl mollis et | Vestibulum finibus lacinia orci, quis porttitor est molestie non |
In this, the blue cone pigment triton is either absent or has a limited function | There are two types of monochromacy - 1 |
If you have a computer that is older or has a low quality of color rendering, you should change the Display Color Quality to Low in the Test Options.
15Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; | In fact, depending on which glasses you are wearing, results could be worse, or could change in ways that are confusing |
Look for a shape, such as a number or symbol, which is embedded within the dot pattern | Proin enim nulla, volutpat a diam at, sodales tincidunt justo |
If you are completely unsure or see nothing, then tap or click the button that says "Unsure" or Nothing".