I use my hearing curve for the typical noise around my desk, but switch to speech blocking when neighbors are chatty or having a meeting nearby | "The effects of noise and speech on cognitive task performance" |
The "speech blocker" preset has been enormously helpful with my studies, which often take place at the bar where I work | Thus, random signals are considered "white noise" if they are observed to have a flat spectrum over the range of frequencies that are relevant to the context |
Infrequent or mild references to cultural or religious intolerance• A simple example of white noise is a nonexistent radio station static.
11It is used extensively in , typically to recreate percussive instruments such as or which have high noise content in their frequency domain | It is the best white noise generator I have found, and I use it daily |
Can't tell you how helpful these are, thank you | It totally cuts out the bass |
it's so long and annoying I have to yell Alexa STOP every time it happens and re start the app.
25I turn up the sub-bass and enjoy the silence! This is a godsend for the moments when I can't cope with my environment or process sound in a productive way | This is the only website I've found that can drown out all that noise and let me sleep |
It's getting to the point where I'm going to blow up at her any second | Not that I'm into that |