الموت الدماغي. الموت الدماغي: أبرز المعلومات

"Recovery of Neuronal Function after Prolonged Cerebral Ischemia" Chandra NC, NC; Tsitlik, JE; Halperin, HR; Guerci, AD; Weisfeldt, ML; et al
New York Academy of Sciences "Whole body protection during three hours of total circulatory arrest: an experimental study"

ما هو الموت الدماغي ويكيبيديا،

"The arrest of biological time as a bridge to engineered negligible senescence".

معلومات عن الموت الدماغي
Behringer W, Safar P, W; Safar, P; Wu, X; Kentner, R; Radovsky, A; Kochanek, PM; Dixon, CE; Tisherman, SA; et al
مسألة الموت الدماغي وحكم سحب أجهزة التنفس
"Suspended animation for delayed resuscitation"
علاج الموت الدماغي
Current Opinion in Critical Care
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
A Code of Practice for the Diagnosis of Death Journal of the Neurological Sciences

مسألة الموت الدماغي وحكم سحب أجهزة التنفس

Epstein, Sue April 28, 2010.

الموت الدماغي.. الأسباب والأعراض والتشخيص
Unless the individual expressed contrary intent, a hospital must take measures to ensure the medical suitability of an individual at or near death while a procurement organization examines the patient for suitability as a donor
ما هو الموت الدماغي ويكيبيديا،
"Resuscitation from clinical death: pathophysiologic limits and therapeutic potentials"
الموت الدماغي: أبرز المعلومات
Hazim J, HJ; Winnerkvist, A; Miller Cc, 3rd; Iliopoulos, DC; Reardon, MJ; Espada, R; Baldwin, JC 1998
Popovic R, R; Liniger, R; Bickler, PE 2000 The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Hossmann KA, KA; Schmidt-Kastner, R; Grosse Ophoff, B; et al "A review of total brain ischaemia models in dogs and original experiments on clamping the aorta"

علماء أمريكيون يحصلون على الإذن لإعادة إحياء الموتى!

"Improved cerebral resuscitation from cardiac arrest in dogs with mild hypothermia plus blood flow promotion".

موت سريري
"Intracranial electroencephalographic changes in deep anesthesia"
علامات الموت الدماغي
ACS Surgery Online, Critical Care, April 2005
علامات الموت الدماغي
Leonov Y, Y; Sterz, F; Safar, P; Radovsky, A; et al