صقر قريش. صقر قريش : من هو الشخص الذي لقب بهذا اللقب؟ وما القصة وراء هذه التسمية؟

And it's short, I read it in public transportation on my to way university So there was politics, war and LOVE
It needed repeating since it was really good Women: All of them are idiots who fell for that unstable character and [died for him too

صقر قريش by علي أدهم

The plot: It's about a prince who wants to go back to his country and become its king.

صقر قريش by محمود تيمور
He's not that good to be honest
صقر قريش by علي أدهم
And since every woman is in love with him, OF COURSE he hates women
صقر قريش عبد الرحمن الداخل
All he thought about was his country and winning the war
So there was politics, war and LOVE
5 stars This author is one of my favorite arabic writers and this book is actually a screenplay which what I like most from him The LOVE: Why is every woman who I need to stop reviewing Arabic books in english but I seriously can't write a book review in Arabic so don't hate this too much

صقر قريش by محمود تيمور

But this book does give good lessons and has beautiful writing.

صقر قريش : من هو الشخص الذي لقب بهذا اللقب؟ وما القصة وراء هذه التسمية؟
The men: I didn't care
صقر قريش من هو
The plot: It's about a prince who wants to go back to his country and become its king
صقر قريش by محمود تيمور
5 stars This author is one of my favorite arabic writers and this book is actually a screenplay which what I like most from him