هل التدخين حرام. آراء رجال الدين عن التدخين

Some other churches discourage or prohibit the use of it by members
In 1877 the Methodist Episcopal Conference prohibited the use of tobacco by its ministers

هل التدخين حرام ؟

Health risks of secondhand smoke.

هل التدخين حرام ؟
مجمع إرادة للصحة النفسية بالرياض
هل التدخين حرام ؟
Hameed, A; Jalil, MA; Noreen, R; Mughal, I; Rauf, S 2002
The spread of the tobacco complex" Secondhand smoke exposure: Effects in adults

من الأدلة على حرمة شرب الدخان

in the revelation to Prophet Joseph Smith in 1833 there was this declaration: '.

مجمع إرادة للصحة النفسية بالرياض
in the revelation to Prophet Joseph Smith in 1833 there was this declaration: '
التدخين حرام وينبغي إدراك مخاطره
من الأدلة على حرمة شرب الدخان
In 1877 the Methodist Episcopal Conference prohibited the use of tobacco by its ministers
The footnote reads: "The Watchtower of June 1, 1973, explained why from that time forward, an individual would need to quit smoking before he could be baptized and become one of Jehovah's Witnesses tobacco is not good for man
Hameed, A; Jalil, MA; Noreen, R; Mughal, I; Rauf, S 2002

مجمع إرادة للصحة النفسية بالرياض


آراء رجال الدين عن التدخين
Is any type of smoking safe? Islam, SM; Johnson, CA November 2003
مجمع إرادة للصحة النفسية بالرياض
المجلس الإسلامي للإفتاء
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention