احبك جدا بالانجليزي. شعر حب بالانجليزي مترجم عربي

You added colors, meaning, and happiness in my life I will always love you
I love you, my wife Just remember always that my love is true

堧媢奡�� 堥堿��� 堥塈�塈�堿��堬�, 堧�塈 堧媢奡��, 堧�塈 堛�� 堨��� i worshipped you, i

she stayed a wake all the time to make sure that I'm ok; she got tired all the day for my comfort.

كلمات رومانسية بالانجليزي مترجمة
You changed my world since you entered into my life
كلمات حب و رومانسية بالإنجليزي 日 2021 日
堻塈塈媔媢 堭堹� �堸塈 �塈媔堭堥 媢媯��堭�� 堥堶堿堭 �塈�堭堹 �塈堥堹塈媢 ���塈堛� 奡�堭 ���奡�堭 塈堥堹塈�• I don't want to bother you
堧媢奡�� 堥堿��� 堥塈�塈�堿��堬�, 堧�塈 堧媢奡��, 堧�塈 堛�� 堨��� i worshipped you, i
My dear wife, every moment and every minute that I spend with you, my life becomes a wonderful dream come true
I always want you by my side With a wife like you, I feel so blessed
You make my heart melt, and fill it with love you are that woman who transformed my imperfections into perfections, just by the touch of your love

أنا أحبك كثير بالانجليزي

I am so lucky to have an affectionate and caring wife.

شعر حب بالانجليزي مترجم عربي
co ���堜 塈媢奡�� 堥塈�塈�堿��堬� 堹�堹��塈 ��堻��� �堧媞塈�� mp3
شعر حزن بالانجليزي مترجمه بالعربي
But my heart will always remain grateful to you
أنا أحبك كثير بالانجليزي
堧媢奡�� 堥堿��� - ��堛堹�塈堛 媢堥��• I love you just the way you are
You are a special gift from the heavens Everything you do makes me love you even more
��媔�� �塈埵�塈: �� 塈�堥�堹塈� 塈�媢堭堥�堜 堛媢奡� 堥��堛�� 塈�堿��� 塈�堹�堭� 塈�堨�堿��堬� 塈���堛塈堬 �堹 �堭� 塈�奡堮媯 塈��媯塈堥 堥堿��� 塈�塈堭堛�塈堥 塈�堻��� 塈�媢堭媔� �奡堮媯

انا أحبك ماما بالانجليزي

��� �� 奡埵 堧奡媢堭 堥�堿�堹�� ���.

كلمات رومانسية بالانجليزي مترجمة
I will always be here, loving you
رسائل حب بالانجليزي مترجمة
�� 塈�堮��堻 堻堥堛�堥堭 13, 2012 9:25 pm 堛堭�堹 堧� 堛媢�� ��塈 堧�堭��� �堧�堭��� 媢�堹�塈 堛媞�堥 媢�� 堥堭�堜 �� 塈�堬�塈� 塈媢奡�� 堥堿���-堮���� ��塈�-塈�� 堿塈堥堛�� 堥媯�堛
كلمات رومانسية بالانجليزي مترجمة
I love you so much and I know that the road to the impossible is long