هرمون النوم. ميلاتونين

Recombinant DNA products: insulin, interferon, and growth hormone "Arginine stimulates growth hormone secretion by suppressing endogenous somatostatin secretion"
"Effects of human growth hormone in men over 60 years old" Recombinant DNA products: insulin, interferon, and growth hormone

موقع أخبار الأردن

Leung KC, Howe C, Gui LY, Trout G, Veldhuis JD, Ho KK 2002.

"Physiological and pharmacological regulation of 20-kDa growth hormone"
اكلات تساعد على النوم وأشهر 8 أعشاب تساعد على النوم
Principles of Pharmacology for Athletic Trainers
هرمون النوم
"The metabolic role of growth hormone in humans with particular reference to fasting"
"Somatostatin: physiological and clinical significance" 67 Supplement 1 : 45—49
"Modulation of growth hormone action by sex steroids" "Reciprocal interactions between the GH axis and sleep"


In Deidre Leaver-Dunn; Joel Houglum; Harrelson, Gary L.

اكلات تساعد على النوم وأشهر 8 أعشاب تساعد على النوم
"The novel hypothalamic peptide ghrelin stimulates food intake and growth hormone secretion"
هرمون النوم
"Modulation of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor GH-IGF axis by pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and environmental xenobiotics: an emerging role for xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes and the transcription factors regulating their expression
هرمون النوم
Mehta Ameeta, Hindmarsh Peter 2002