I will view the weakest among you as the strongest to me until I give him back what was taken from him unjustly, and I will view the strongest among you as the weakest to me until I take back from him the right that he has taken unjustly | The armies moved on and fought the apostates |
Ab u Bakr a s- Sidd iq got sick and died in 13AH at the age of 63 | One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith referred to in Arabic as ash-Shah adat an and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy |
Some tribes apostatized and some others refrained from paying Zak ah.
28Qays said: Ab u Bakr bought Bil al while he was buried under the rocks for five ounces of gold | His attributes and description were mentioned in the Torah Tawrah the Zab ur |
Ab u Bakr replied: I left for them the care of All ah and his Messenger | She was the cousin of Ab u Qu hafah |
He was born about three years after the Year of the Elephant, he was described as being a white man.