On his arrival in he changed his name to Ben Zvi - Son of Zvi | In 1931 he became chair of |
בין חבריה נמנים נציגים של הממשלה, של הכנסת, של , של האוניברסיטאות וכן אישי ציבור | Yitzhak Ben Zvi at , 1934 Ben-Zvi served in the 1st Judean battalion 'KADIMAH' together with Ben-Gurion |
He served in the First and Second Knessets for the party.
Originally published in Israel 1977 | המטרות הקבועות בחוק של מוסד יד בן-צבי הן: " 1 להעמיק בעם את תודעת רציפותו של היהודי ב, ולטפח לשם כך את חקר תולדות היישוב |
He and a Rostovian - a strict group from - were elected as the new | De Haan had come to Palestine as an ardent , but he had become increasingly critical of the Zionist organizations, preferring a negotiated solution to the armed struggle between the Jews and Arabs |
In 1915, despite calling on Jews to become Ottoman citizens and attempting to assemble a militia in Jerusalem to fight on the Ottoman side in the , both Ben Zvi and Ben Gurion were expelled to Egypt.