اللهم بك أصبحنا تويتر. حديث: بك أصبحنا وبك

In the evening, we finish off the supplication by saying that our return will be to Allah In the morning, we finish off the supplication by saying that our resurrection will be to Allah
All matters belong to Him, and Him alone This is pertinent to be said in the morning, as we have just woken up from a minor death sleep , so we remind ourselves that when we wake up from the major death, it will be to stand before Allah, so we should prepare for this moment• If we acknowledge that we will only die when Allah wills so, we become more reliant and dependent upon him, and reduce our fear of others as we know that only He decides when, how, or where we die• We therefore utter these words as a display of gratitude, and in hope that the Shakur recompenses our gratitude with yet more of His Magnanimity• This hadith reminds us to always be connected to Allah and remember His blessings over us, as we acknowledge that we only entered the morning and evening through His blessings, and we are living due to His blessings over us, and will only die when He decrees so• This is pertinent to be said in the evening, as we are about to finish and complete our day, so we remind ourselves that when we finish and complete our life, we will return to Allah, so we should prepare for this moment Action Points•

صور صباح الخير 2022 صباحية جديد صباح الخير تويتر بالإنجليزي جديده ٢٠٢٢

Hadith, reported by Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, hadith number 1199, Imam Ahmed, hadith number 8649, and Ibn Majah, hadith number 3868.

أحسن عبارات صباح الخير تويتر 2021
أدعية الصباح تويتر من الأوراد الصباحية
دعاء الصباح كتابه

صور صباح الخير 2022 صباحية جديد صباح الخير تويتر بالإنجليزي جديده ٢٠٢٢


ادعية صباح الخير 2022 صور اذكار الصباح مكتوبة الصحيحة صباح الخير تويتر بالانجليزي 2021
دعاء الصباح مكتوب
أدعية الصباح تويتر من الأوراد الصباحية