ولا تجهر بصلاتك ولا تخافت بها. تجهر ؟؟؟

Maka Allah menurunkan: ' Jangan kamu mengeraskan bacaan shalatmu dan jangan pula merendahkannya ' Qs '' Allah next explained the division that involves reciting Al-Fatihah, demonstrating the importance of reciting the Qur'an during the prayer, which is one of the prayer's greatest pillars
Ja'far bin Iyas bin Abi Wahsyiyah, Abu Bisyir, Tabi'in kalangan biasa, wafat tahun 125 H, hidup di Hait

ما معنى {ولا تجهر بصلاتك ولا تخافت بها}؟

Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between.

The Miraculous Quran
Husyaim bin Basyir bin Al Qasim bin Dinar, As Sulamiy, Abu Mu'awiyah, Ibnu Abi Khazim, Tabi'ul Atba' kalangan tua, wafat tahun 183 H, hidup di Hait, wafat di Baghdad
[27] تتمة قوله تعالى: {قُلِ ادْعُواْ اللّهَ أَوِ ادْعُواْ الرّحْمَنَ} الآية 110 إلى آخر السورة
Sa'id bin Jubair bin Hisyam, Al Asadiy, Abu Muhammad, Tabi'in kalangan pertengahan, wafat tahun 94 H, hidup di Kufah, wafat di Iraq
ما معنى {ولا تجهر بصلاتك ولا تخافت بها}؟
Dan carilah jalan tengah di antara keduanya, maksudnya bacalah sehingga terdengar oleh kawanmu namun jangan pula kamu membaca terlalu keras hingga musuh mencela Al Qur'an akibat bacaanmu
in reference to the Fajr prayer Abdullah bin 'Abbas bin 'Abdul Muthallib bin Hasyim , Al Qurasyiy Al Hasyimiy, Abu Al 'Abbas, Shahabat, wafat tahun 68 H, hidup di Marur Rawdz, wafat di Tha'if
" Hadis ini memiliki penguat sebagai berikut:• The Two Sahihs recorded that the angels of the night and the day attend this prayer Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, it is well : for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names

[27] تتمة قوله تعالى: {قُلِ ادْعُواْ اللّهَ أَوِ ادْعُواْ الرّحْمَنَ} الآية 110 إلى آخر السورة

Musaddad bin Musrihad bin Musribal bin Mustawrid, Al Asadiy, Abu Al Hasan, Tabi'in kalangan biasa, wafat tahun 228 H, hidup di Bashrah, wafat di Bashrah.

تحميل كتاب السيرة النبوية
Also, in the last Hadith, Allah said, "I have divided the prayer between Myself and My servant into two halves, a half for Me and a half for My servant
ما معنى {ولا تجهر بصلاتك ولا تخافت بها}؟
My servant shall have what he asked for
آیه 110 سوره اسراء
Verily, the recitation of the Qur'an in the early dawn is ever witnessed