المهام الأدائية. المهام الأدائية وأساليبها ، شرح توضيحي :

A practical guide to alternative assessment Elementary Education Online, 9 3
The study recommended the importance of empowering professors about strategies and standards for building performance tasks, through their prior training, during service, or through providing them with work models, and the necessity to provide resources and data in the form of instructions, data, resources, references or additional documents to help students accomplish the tasks expected of them The results of the study showed a high use of the built-in outputs in building the performance tasks, and the focus of most of the tasks on providing a clear description of it related to the expected outcome, with a significant decrease in the clarification of the achievement procedures

نماذج المهمات ادائية

Guide to Engaging Students in Meaningful Learning.

المهام الأدائية لصف الخامس
In addition to their methods of presenting the outcomes of their work, focusing on the participation of students in discussing tasks and tools for evaluating them in the framework of enhancing their engagement, and including the outcomes and competencies reviewed in the instructions and procedures for achievement, in the form of transparent and publicized standards and indicators
المهام الأدائية وأساليبها ، شرح توضيحي :
Designing qualitative research 2nd ed
المهام الأدائية وأساليبها ، شرح توضيحي :
Applied Measurement in Education, 4 4 , 305-318
The researcher used the content analysis tool to assess the quality of building tasks and their evaluation tools, through Priori coding, where the analysis categories were determined in the light of the performance evaluation taking into consideration the categories mutual exclusive, using the Holsti equation to ensure the stability of the analysis tool The opinions of the teachers in upper primary classes concerning the student performance tasks
Strategies for the development of effective performance exercises

المهام الأدائية لصف الخامس

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5 3 , 544-566.

المهام الأدائية لصف الخامس
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Marzano, R
جودة استخدام المهمات الأدائيّة Performance Tasks في التّقويم التّكوينيّ خلال التّعلم عن بُعد في ظلّ جائحة كورونا
The sample of the study included 35 performance task models in 35 academic courses for all undergraduate students in the faculty
دليل المشاريع والمهمات الادائية
An approach to teaching critical thinking across disciplines using performance tasks