قانون العمل السعودي 2020. الأسبوع القادم: عرض مشروع قانون تنظيم العمل المنزلي على الجلسة العامة بالبرلمان

Graham and Trotman, 1984 , Commercial Law in the Gulf States: The Islamic Legal Tradition, 3• Saudi authorities often protest that the Labor Law offers comprehensive protection against Remote Working in the Kingdom The digital transformation and the presence of a robust and advanced technical infrastructure in the Kingdom contributed to the appearance of remote working
The Kingdom has allocated 17 The strategy is based on a vision represented in "providing adequate job opportunities in terms of numbers and wages that lead to full employment of Saudi human resources and creating a competitive advantage for the national economy


Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century.

لجنة الشباب أوصت بالاسراع في تحديث قانون المخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية… ابي رميا: نعد خطة خمسية للاستراتيجية المشتركة لمكافحة المخدرات
: An online platform for the labor market in the Kingdom that brings together job seekers with employers
لجنة الشباب أوصت بالاسراع في تحديث قانون المخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية… ابي رميا: نعد خطة خمسية للاستراتيجية المشتركة لمكافحة المخدرات
Tripp, Harvey; North, Peter 2009
إجراءات نقل الكفالة بعد انتهاء الإقامة 2021 في نظام الكفالة الجديد
: it is a platform that is launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for sustaining the empowerment and Saudization of business
Islamic law and legal system: studies of Saudi Arabia Leave work without notice : It is one of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development initiatives
Many of their residence permits, or iqama, which all foreigners in Saudi Arabia are required to carry about their person at all times or risk arrest and imprisonment, had in the meantime expired, meaning they had now become illegal "overstayers" Journal of Law and Religion


Encyclopedia of world constitutions, Volume 2.

Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad: 100• Willis, Hugh Evander January 1926
a transparent attempt to demonstrate that the Al-Saud would apparently be willing to let one of their own face the consequences of his criminal activity
A History of Saudi Arabia