And also Provincial Directorates was regulated Education Directorates and Education Officers The Ministry of National Education has continued its activities under the names mentioned below since the establishment of the Republic | 5 ; -moz-box-shadow: 0 20px 100px rgba 212, 215, 217, |
995 ; -moz-transition: all 1000ms cubic-bezier 0 | In 1872, the Great Education Council was turned into a single assembly and the departments were arranged according to the teaching steps |
05 ; transform: scale 1 | The education and training services that had been previously carried out by the foundations were transfered to Maarif-i Umumiye Nezareti on 17 March 1857 |
Mekatib-i Hususiye Dairesi Private Schools Department• A Brief History of the Ministry of National Education The idea of conducting education and training services by the state was the first developed during the period of II | The organizational structure of the Ministry of National Education has been exposed changes by various legal regulations and its current structure is determined by the Decree Law No |
At the same time, the Parliamentary Assembly, consisting of two departments such as science and administrative , was established with the Grand Education Assembly Meclis-i Kebir-i Maarif and Provincial Councils Maarif Meclisi were established.