فاونديشن بلقيس. Biblical Foundation

All grades cover units teaching inductive Bible study and special studies that celebrate the Christian holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter The Elementary school uses the DeepRoots curriculum published by the Defendable Faith Institute
We are blessed with caring, Christian teachers who create a classroom environment that encourages students to explore new learning, treat others with respect, and know that Jesus loves them The Elementary school uses the DeepRoots curriculum published by the Defendable Faith Institute

احصلي على اطلالة مكياج بلقيس العصري مع هذه المستحضرات

Seventh Grade Jesus and My Story Students will learn about the historical Jesus, the difference between Christ and the gods of other religions, and the uniqueness of each gospel.

Biblical Foundation
Seventh Grade Jesus and My Story Students will learn about the historical Jesus, the difference between Christ and the gods of other religions, and the uniqueness of each gospel
#بلقيس Instagram posts (photos and videos)
Grade 4: Digs into the accounts of the early church
بنات نبي خبراتكم وش (افضل
The topics of scientific evidence for the existence of God and creation will be explored
Bible Classes Elementary Bible Our elementary Bible program incorporates an age-appropriate Bible curriculum, daily devotional and prayer time, weekly chapel, and service projects within our community
Grade 3: Follows the account of the Children of Israel from Abraham to the coming of our Messiah All grades cover units teaching inductive Bible study and special studies that celebrate the Christian holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter

احصلي على اطلالة مكياج بلقيس العصري مع هذه المستحضرات

Grade 2: Follows the four gospels of the New Testament learning about the life of Christ.

Biblical Foundation
The topics of scientific evidence for the existence of God and creation will be explored
كريم اساس بلقيس الجديد بنوعيه بالمميزات والدرجات والأسعار
Students at all grades will have passages of scripture that they will memorize
كريم اساس بلقيس الجديد بنوعيه بالمميزات والدرجات والأسعار
Bible Classes Elementary Bible Our elementary Bible program incorporates an age-appropriate Bible curriculum, daily devotional and prayer time, weekly chapel, and service projects within our community