من اخترع العلوم. من اخترع السيارة؟ هوية مخترع السيارة الأصلي

Neil Kamil, Fortress of the Soul: Violence, Metaphysics, and Material Life in the Huguenots New World, 1517-1751 Early America: History, Context, Culture , JHU Press, 2005
Julian, Franklyn, Dictionary of the Occult, Kessinger Publishing, 2003, , 9780766128163, p

هل تعلم قصيرة ومفيدة عن مختلف العلوم

18, Routledge, , page 352: "I would note that the Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan developed the theory that all metals consist of different 'balances'.

معلومات عن هوارس مان .. مخترع المدرسة
"The Evolution of the Universe"
من هو العالم الذي اخترع المدرسة
Newman, Promethean Ambitions: Alchemy and the Quest to Perfect Nature, University of Chicago Press, 2004
قصة اكتشاف حمض الDNA
The Arabic Works of Jabir ibn Hayyan, translated by Richard Russell in 1678
George Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, Pub David Gordon White, "The Alchemical Body: Siddha Traditions in Medieval India", University of Chicago Press, 1996
Newman, Gehennical Fire: The Lives of George Starkey, an American Alchemist in the Scientific Revolution, Harvard University Press, 1994 Dan Merkur, in The psychoanalytic study of society eds

جابر بن حيان


من إخترع القنبلة النووية
1, page 1044: "Was Geber, as the name would imply, the Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Haiyan? Green, "The City of the Moon God: Religious Traditions of Harran Religions in the Graeco-Roman World ", Brill, 1992
هل تعلم قصيرة ومفيدة عن مختلف العلوم
Julian, Franklyn, Dictionary of the Occult, Kessinger Publishing, 2003, , 9780766128163, p
اسئلة العباقرة فى العلوم
19: "Ever since the Seventy Books attributed to the Persian alchemist Jabir Ibn Hayyan had been translated into Latin
45: "The Nisba al-Azdin certainly does not necessarily indicate Arab origin 182: "The ninth-century Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan, also known as Geber, is accurately called pseudo-Geber since most of the works published under this name in the West were forgeries"• 4: "The first to give separate consideration to minerals and other inorganic substances were the following: The Persian alchemist Jabir 721-815
Haq, Syed Nomanul 28 February 1995 Henry Corbin, "The Voyage and the Messenger: Iran and Philosophy", Translated by Joseph H

3 من أهم العلماء في علم الميكانيكا

Rowe, North Atlantic Books, 1998.

من اخترع المصباح الكهربائي؟
Dauben JW, Gleason ML, Smith GE 2009
من اخترع فأرة الكمبيوتر؟
Newman, The Occult and Manifest Among the Alchemist, in F
من اخترع الرياضيات
Geber seems to have been a client of the Azd tribe established in Kufa"• , under whose name the vast corpus of alchemical writing circulated in the medieval period in both the east and west, although many of the works attributed to Jabir have been demonstrated to be likely product of later Ismaili' tradition