مركز الصافية. المركز الوطني للأرصاد الجوية

Moon crescent was seen by naked eye by Reza Janghorbani and Roya Ghermezi at 19:35 , for the first time I left that location for another one
I could easily image the old crescent which was around 9 A number of team member including Mr

المركز الوطني للأرصاد الجوية

Other group members observed crescent by naked eye subsequently.

مركز الصافية للرصد الجوي مواقع الطقس
The internal team member of Assalaam observatory started the observation at 17
مركز الصافية للرصد الجوي مواقع الطقس
I could neither see the moon nor Venus
مركز الفلك الدولي
Sadly the forecast for the next two days in contiuous clouds and rain
"Faded" was just a relative description as I believe the background light got brighter so that the crescent was perceived to fade The crescent could not be seen
Planets Venus and Mercury were also observed, with Venus being easy to see visually in the telescope I left that location for another one

مركز الصافية للرصد الجوي مواقع الطقس

I stayed at the location till moonset moonset: 8:34 pm.

المركز الوطني للأرصاد الجوية
Sadly the forecast for the next two days in contiuous clouds and rain
التنبؤات الجوية الوطنية لخدمة الطقس
Subair from Mutur reported his sighting at 5:45am
مركز الصافية للرصد الجوي مواقع الطقس
Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports And the General A