اي كيو. اختبار الذكاء العالمي IQ

Take 2 apples from 3 what do you have? Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison? " This statement is: TRUE - FALSE - NEITHER 25 Which one of the five is least like the other four? "If some Bifurs are Bofurs and all Gloins are Bofurs, then some Bifurs are definitely Gloins
11 - 22 - 23 - 45 - 46 33 John's mother sent him to the store to get 9 large cans of peaches

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Which one of the five makes the best comparison? "If all Wargs are Twerps and no Twerps are Gollums, then no Gollums are definitely Wargs.

حل اسئلة واختبارات iq وحل امتحانات اختبارات الذكاء اى كيو للبنوك وستيم
Which one of the five makes the best comparison? B Since this is a reverse comparison, the solid line triangle is the reverse of the broken line square
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A - Z - F -N -E 9
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B The numbers indicate the position of the letters in the alphabet
B The first two designs point in the same direction, just as the triangle and figure B point in the same direction APPLE T he others are vegetables
Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days

اختبار الذكاء العالمي IQ

Which one of the five designs makes the best comparison? A farmer had 17 sheep.

حل اسئلة واختبارات iq وحل امتحانات اختبارات الذكاء اى كيو للبنوك وستيم
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D The other figures are divided into the same number of triangles as the number of sides the figure has
اختبار نسبة الذكاء السريع
CANNON A bullet is fired from a gun, and a ball is fired from a cannon
CAACCAC is to 3113313 as CACAACAC is to: A 13133131 B 13133313 C 31311131 D 31311313 E 31313113 21 FUNNEL The others hold liquids; liquids pass through a funnel
Jack is taller than Peter, and Bill is shorter than Jack 00 more than half of what he had when he came in

اختبار الذكاء العالمي IQ

Which one of the five is least like the other four? John could only carry 2 cans at a time.

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اختبار نسبة الذكاء السريع
How much is the original sum of money? Which one of the numbers does not belong is the following series? Which one of the five is least like the other four? Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series? After eating one, she gave half the remaining to her sister
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Therefore, it is a great place for those who are not ready to start trading big money all at once