دواء كحه للكبار. أدوية لعلاج الكحة الجافة

Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Chang, CC; Cheng, AC; Chang, AB 10 March 2014 Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

احسن دواء كحه للكبار

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

دواء كوديلار: الاعراض واهم الاستخدامات وهل يسبب الادمان
Medsafe cough and cold group
السُّعَال لدى البالغين
السُّعَال لدى البالغين
Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Bogdanich, Walt; Hooker, Jake 2007-05-06 "Over-the-counter OTC medications to reduce cough as an adjunct to antibiotics for acute pneumonia in children and adults"
"Zinc for the common cold" British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

احسن دواء كحه للكبار

Cochrane Database Syst Rev Systematic review.

احسن دواء كحه للكبار
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
أدوية لعلاج الكحة الجافة
"Over-the-counter OTC medications for acute cough in children and adults in ambulatory settings"
احسن دواء كحه للكبار
"Therapeutic options for acute cough due to upper respiratory infections in children"