ارابيكا ستار. تحالف ستار

It takes just 3 weeks to form a habit whether that's good or bad Spend 5 mins sitting and reflecting on the things in your life you have
Whatever your circumstances they will work If you find yourself rushing around in the mornings with no "me time " then follow these simple steps

arabica star

Do 20 mins of exercise a dvd, stretching , walk your dog etc.

Arabica Star
you just need the mindset and motivation
arabica star
5 have a healthy breakfast
I guarantee you do this you will feel the difference in no time I'd love to hear about your experiences
Get up 45 mins earlier than you normally would 2

ارابيكا ستار بريدة حي الصفراء طريق ابوبكر الصديق


#strucure Instagram posts, stories, photos and videos
spend 5 mins writing down 3 things you are grateful for
arabica star
تحالف ستار