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American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology In: Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5
Southam AL, Richart RM 1966 St Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 1992

ما هو حجم القضيب الطبيعي


ما هو حجم القضيب الطبيعي
بلوغ (إنسان)
Preputial development in Japanese boys
القضيب والصفن
"Hypothesis: exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals may interfere with timing of puberty"
Kalloo NB, Gearhart JP, Barrack ER 1993 "Relative weight and race influence average age at menarche: results from two nationally representative surveys of US girls studied 25 years apart"
Birth to 3 months: Your baby's development MacGillivray MH, Morishima A, Conte F, Grumbach M, Smith EP; Morishima; Conte; Grumbach; Smith 1998

حتى سن ما ينمو الأعضاء. حتى أي سن زيادة عضوا

"Pharmacology of the Lower Urinary Tract: Basis for Current and Future Treatments of Urinary Incontinence".

بلوغ (إنسان)
Siegel MJ, Surratt JT 1992
القضيب والصفن
Effects of hygiene among the uncircumcised
النُّمو الجَّسدي والنضوج الجنسي عند المُراهقين
Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS : Other FAQs