اكبر دول العالم من حيث السكان. اكبر دول العالم من حيث السكان

The area was an important pilgrimage arheoligic site for the Muisca indigenous peoples in pre-Columbian times and for visiting the Sumapaz National Park
Excluding the population of the of The UN the as a

أكبر 10 دول في امريكا الجنوبية حسب عدد المسلمين

The district of Sumapaz is completely rural no city services and is not part of the city proper.

بالصور أخطر 10 دول في العالم 2015 تعرف عليها
Based on the following districts: Furong, Tianxin, Yuelu, Kaifu, Yuhua; see• The government and most of the world's other states consider South Ossetia a part of Georgia's territory
اكبر واصغر دولة فى العالم من حيث المساحة
Including the and , Russia's disputed administrative areas on the
قائمة البلدان والتبعيات حسب عدد السكان
The city of Alexandria has an area of approximately 400 square kilometres
Locally, districts may contain one or more neighborhoods bairros Ministry of Commerce — People's Republic of China
Excluding the 14 and 3 shown separately It considers itself to be an independent state, but this is recognised by

ترتيب الدول من حيث عدد السكان

1 square kilometers, the city area is 453 square kilometers, but the Egyptian government considered the Cairo Governorate is that a whole city and all statistics relate to the "governorate".

ترتيب اكبر الدول في العالم من حيث عدد السكان
Roberts, Sam 18 April 2019
اكبر دولة من حيث عدد السكان في العالم
Dar es Salaam is divided into five districts, governed as municipal councils, and so all of the city's suburbs or wards are affiliated with them
ما هي اكبر دول العالم من حيث السكان..ترتيب التعداد السكاني عالميًا
Central Statistical Agency — CSA