امسينا وامسى الملك لله اللهم اني اسالك. ص3

This is due to the blessings Allah had placed on the former, and the lack of it in the latter• We ask Allah to allow us to receive more guidance, and to allow us to maintain the guidance we currently have, as well as to act upon it• Beneficial knowledge and righteous actions are a light for a believer in this life and the hereafter, so when we are asking Allah for the light of this day, we are asking Him to allow us to increase in beneficial knowledge, and in performing righteous actions• and more importantly, the good with regards to the hereafter e
Once we realise that Allah is the one who provides for us and looks after us in the general sense, we begin to ask Him for specific things that we want from this morning or evening• We also ask Allah for victory Guidance is a very important matter that we ask Allah to grant to us every time we recite Surah Al-Fatiha, therefore at least 17 times in a day

اذكار الصباح والمساء اليومية، الأذكار، اذكار المسلم

We begin the supplication by affirming that the kingdom belongs to Allah, therefore He is the true King who has ownership over everything.

شرح حديث أمسينا وأمسى الملك لله، والحمد لله، لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
Someone may sleep for 4 hours and feel very refreshed and energetic for the remainder of the day, whereas someone may sleep for over 8 hours, yet does not have much energy during the day
اذكار الصباح والمساء اليومية، الأذكار، اذكار المسلم
The knowledge of this increases the veneration we have for Allah• " Ebu Davud, Tirmizi sahih senedle rivayet etti
(165) أذكار الصباح والمساء (أصبحنا وأصبح الملك لله والحمدلله ولا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير...)
This includes evil in terms of maters that may affect us in the dunya e
We describe Allah as being Lord of all that exists " Ebu Davud sahih senedle rivayet etti
" İbn Mace sahih senedle rivayet etti Senin bana olan nimetini itiraf ediyorum

فضل قول امسينا وامسى الملك لله والحمد لله

True kingdom belongs to Allah alone.

When we say Allah is the Lord, we mean He is the one who looks after, nurtures and provides, therefore we should be grateful for Allah as He is the Lord of all that exists• " derse, ona İsmail a
أدعية و أذكار: اذكار الصباح
O Allah, I ask You for the goodness of this day, its opening, its victory, its light, its blessings, and its guidance
شرح وترجمة حديث: كان نبي الله
When Allah places His blessings on a matter, it will bear much more fruit than a matter which has no blessings from Allah
" Ebu Davud, İbni Mace sahih senedle rivayet ettiler Ensure you appreciate the importance of guidance, and that when you ask Allah for it, you ask Him from the bottom of your heart
The last specific thing we ask Allah in this supplication, is to grant us the goodness of this day in terms of the guidance we receive Ebu Davud,Tirmizi, İbni Mace sahih senedle rivayet etti

اذكار الصباح والمساء اليومية، الأذكار، اذكار المسلم

Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah used to prostrate to Allah and sincerely ask Him to clarify the situation for him whenever he is presented with a matter that he struggles to resolve• All the leaders and kings in this life all fall within the kingdom and dominion of Allah, so always realise you have the greatest King by your side• To be recited once Brief Commentary• The first type of good we ask Allah is the good in terms of the opening that we want to achieve.

(165) أذكار الصباح والمساء (أصبحنا وأصبح الملك لله والحمدلله ولا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير...)
After affirming the kingdom belonging to Allah, we mention what He does with it, and this is that He looks after it
شرح وترجمة حديث: كان نبي الله
This means we want Allah to open for us the doors of knowledge, to make things clearer in our heads, and to open all doors of goodness before us• Hadith, reported Aby Dawud, hadith number 3453
فضل قول امسينا وامسى الملك لله والحمد لله
We begin by clarifying exactly what good we want from this day or night