The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked 1 | To find out more complete and clear information or images, you can visit the source directly by clicking the link below the image |
Find gaps in your keyword strategy• Search Traffic Competitor Average The average search traffic percentage for this site's competitors | Relevance to this Site An estimate of how relevant a keyword is to this site |
Bounce rate Competitor Average The average bounce rate for this site's competitors.
20Easy-to-Rank Keywords This site does not rank for these popular keywords, but they could if they wanted to | Competitive analysis• Alexa Rank 90 Day Trend Alexa Rank is an estimate of this site's popularity |
Content and SEO audits• The score ranges from 1 least traffic to 100 most traffic | The score ranges from 1 least relevant to 100 most relevant |
The score is based on the popularity of the keyword, and how well competitors rank for it.