awel mara ro7na kona lwa7dana bs b3d kda b2a b2et el 5oroga bta3tana a7ana w so7abna• 0 25th November 2011 ana sm3t eno a7sn m7l koshary w en elkoshary bta3o wahmy, w mn kotr ma sm3t kalam 7lw feh 3ayza 7a2e2y agrbo bs elmoshkla eny msh la2ia ay fro3 leh f alexandria | It's recommended to park it somewhere and walk to it, or take a public transportation or a taxi to it |
ana sm3t momslen w moghnien keter f el television bitklmo 3no w bi2olo enohom msh bi7bo yaklo koshary gher mn 3nd abo tarek, fa aked tlama kol elmomslen dol biro7o yaklo 3ndo hwa blzat, yb2a aked hwa ystahel elshohra w elesm ely hwa 3amalo | 0 27th November 2011 Koshari Abo-Tarek Downtown, this one and koshary el tahrir are my absolute favorites, but Abo Tarek comes in the first place |
0 15th December 2011 The first name that comes to mind when we say Koshary is always Abou Tarek and here's why.
0 10th January 2012 abo tareek el za3eem bata3 el koshry wi el tawgeen bs bardo mch b7b akol 3ando 3chan 3altol za7ma awii wi 3chan kman hoa ashhar wa7ed bta3 koshry wi kan babaya be7kly 3ala abo tarek da mn wi hoa so3'er bs rbina fat7ha 3leh wi bgd b7bo gedan bs yareet le kol el staff bta3o yhtmo bi el nadfa shwia wi yareet kman yfta7 fro3 tanya 3chan hoa mfich 3'er t2reban far3 wa7ed leh wi fi mkan 3altol za7ma bs abo tareek i like it awi b2a wi yareet bgd ykbr el ma7el bta3o 3chan hoa me7tag da wi kman 3aez 3add mn el staff akatar 3chan yengzo wi yhtmo bi el delievery shwia thnx :• 1- Their known to attract tourists from all over the world who come to Egypt | The upper floors are for families, large tables with amazing interior, with a fountain in the middle |
Tip: There's also a pasta-only choice if you'd like a lighter version of the meal | A 4 story building that is very well decorated |
You have choices according to the size you want; 5-7-10 L.