كوفي المساء بني مازن. مورد الوقبى (الوقباء) التاريخي

; but, properly speaking, the n of 1:] A woman having her face uncovered: S, M, Mgh, K: pl
] b2: [Hence,] assumed tropical: He died b2: Hence, tropical: The receptacle thereof; TA; the piece of skin in which it is put

اعشى المازني

[This is commonly of a round form, with a running string; so that it is converted into a bag to contain the food, at one time, and at another time is spread flat upon the ground, when persons want to eat upon it.

كتاب:الأغاني لابي الفرج الاصفهاني 42
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الموسم ( 3 ) رمضان والدول العربية [الأرشيف]
Came at dusk, in the evening
كتاب:الأغاني لابي الفرج الاصفهاني 42
used as a simple subst
A2: Also The whiteness of dawn or daybreak: A: or the whiteness of the day: S, M: and i as meaning In the dawn]
He came in [the time of] the whiteness of day [either before sunrise or after sunset] A2: See also 1, last sentence but one


b3: It the moon caused a shining [in the sky] before its rising.

الحدْس التراجيدي في شعر يوسف الصائغ
] upon the nose of the camel
as above, TA, He made the fire to flame, or blaze; K, TA; kindled it; or made it to burn, burn up, or burn brightly or fiercely, TA
الحدْس التراجيدي في شعر يوسف الصائغ
[See 3, the verb commonly used in this sense
meansThe sun became white, previously to setting ] A2: Also The falling of one's hair from [above] his forehead
] b3: And hence, tropical: The thing [whatever it be] upon which one eats: TA: [in the desert, it is generally a round piece of skin, such as I have described above: in the towns, in the houses of the middle classes, a round tray of tinned copper, which is usually placed on a low stool; and in the dwellings of some of the highest classes, and the lowest, respectively, of silver and wood:] accord b2: And He, or it, [swept away; or took away, or carried off, in every direction: and] dispersed: M, K: and removed, took off, or stripped off, a thing from a thing which it covered

الموسم ( 3 ) رمضان والدول العربية [الأرشيف]

b5: And He entered upon the time of dawn, or daybreak; M; or the time when the dawn became white.

فصل: 1521
meaning I met him when the sun was becoming white, previously to the setting]
قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح إعراب جملةرجع المسافرون يحملون الأمتعة في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
,] The going forth with the intention of performing a journey of three days and nights, or more
Grazed after sunset or before sunrise