Hussein and Zeinab, brother and sister, who sing and do funny things and interested activities | In this video Hussein shows how every person suffers in his life after the loss of his beloved ones, when all the things that are left are just memories and happy moments, in which Hussein was showing some of them in this song, and how hard it is to overcome such thoughts especially when anything you see is related to one of those memories with this person |
Hussein and Zeinab's channel is for all ages | Hussein and Zeinab's channel is for all ages |
On the other hand we can see the caring girl that exists in every family, she was represented by Zeinab in which she tries to clean all the mess Hussein is doing and making him help her by warning him and making him realize what he is doing.
30Hussein and Zeinab's channel is for all ages | Despite the success of the vaccination drive, the number of new cases remaining high had been worrisome |
, received both the doses | Was it from a browser, email client, or a mobile app? Dr Saheer Sainalabdeen, specialist respiratory medicine, Medeor Hospital, Dubai, said the government's efforts to crack down on violators will ensure the number of new cases remain under control |
Hussein and Zeinab, brother and sister, who sing and do funny things and interested activities.