الشهادات المهنية. مفهوم الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة

If the objection is against the result of a support request, the objection will be filed on the same application page The certificate should be among the certificates approved by the HRDF
The beneficiary must be a citizen, male or female, whether he is an employee in the public or private sector, or a job seeker The beneficiary must be a citizen, male or female, whether he is an employee in the public or private sector, or a job seeker



Enrolling in the Support Program for Professional Certifications
The certificate should be among the certificates approved by the HRDF
مفهوم الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة
That the applicant acknowledge that his employer has not paid the costs of the certificate
الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا عن الشهادات المهنية في المحاسبة والتدقيق
The compensation request should not exceed the costs of more than two certificates only per person
The Fund does not bear the costs of membership fees, whether it is compulsory for the certificate or not The date of obtaining the certificate should be after the date of approval of the certificate in the support program for professional certifications
Not to attach any invoices related to membership fees to any approved certificate The Fund does not bear the costs of membership fees, whether it is compulsory for the certificate or not

الشهادات المهنية: دليل شامل لمسار وظيفي أكثر تميزًا

Not to attach any invoices related to membership fees to any approved certificate.

الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا عن الشهادات المهنية في المحاسبة والتدقيق
The compensation request should not exceed the costs of more than two certificates only per person
مزايا الحصول على الشهادات المهنية
The professional certificate is valid and not expired, so that the date of its approval does not exceed six months
الشهادات المهنية العالمية المعتمدة
If the objection is against the result of the previous objection, a ticket will be submitted to the call center, and if documents need to be attached, it will be sent to the program mail Prof