موقع عناية. عناية للتأمين

In this report, we account for the contributions CARE and our partners have made to these global goals, drawing on evaluations, learnin

مركز عناية الطبى


بوابة عناية
When CARE developed our 2020 Program Strategy, aligning our measurement system with the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs seemed an obvious choice; as the SDGs represent a collective, global commitment to a transformed world, it is only right that an organization like CARE also show how its work contributes to these shared goals toward this collective vision
عناية للتأمين
بوابة عناية
When CARE developed our 2020 Program Strategy, aligning our measurement system with the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs seemed an obvious choice; as the SDGs represent a collective, global commitment to a transformed world, it is only right that an organization like CARE also show how its work contributes to these shared goals toward this collective vision
In this report, we account for the contributions CARE and our partners have made to these global goals, drawing on evaluations, learnin

عناية للتأمين


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