قد جعلها ربي حقا. لماذا قال الله أبويه ولم يقل والديه في سورة يوسف؟

Music and gladness filled the land, and all the people, the women and the children, assembled on the house-tops to view the magnificent display He the father said: "O my son! When he is small he cries and weeps as a child; when he grows older sorrow and sighing are his portion; his days arc full of wrath and anger, and at the end he returns to dust
Shall I bow to one like to him? Scholars of Tafsir explained that in Yusuf's dream the eleven stars represent his brothers, who were eleven, and the sun and the moon represent his father and mother Setelah itu Nabi Yusuf kembali ke Mesir dan ia tinggal di negeri itu sesudah Nabi Yakub meninggal dunia selama dua puluh tiga tahun

إسلام ويب

" "Yea are foolish," answered Mordecai, "aye, wanting in reason.

The Miraculous Quran
this is the significance of my vision of old; my Lord has indeed made it to be true; and He was indeed kind to me when He brought me forth from the prison and brought you from the desert after the Shaitan had sown dissensions between me and my brothers, surely my Lord is benignant to whom He pleases; surely He is the Knowing, the Wise
The Miraculous Quran
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan ia dudukkan kedua ibu bapanya bersamasamanya di atas kerusi kebesaran Dan setelah itu mereka semuanya tunduk memberi hormat kepada Yusuf Dan pada saat itu berkatalah Yusuf "Wahai ayahku Inilah dia tafsiran mimpiku dahulu Sesungguhnya Allah telah menjadikan mimpiku itu benar Dan sesungguhnya Ia telah melimpahkan kebaikan kepadaku ketika Ia mengeluarkan daku dari penjara; dan Ia membawa kamu ke mari dari dosa sesudah Syaitan dengan hasutannya merosakkan perhubungan antaraku dengan saudarasaudaraku Sesungguhnya Tuhanku lemahlembut tadbirNya bagi apa yang dikehendakiNya; sesungguhnya Dia lah yang Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana• My Lord hath made it true, and He hath shown me kindness, since He took me out of the prison and hath brought you from the desert after Satan had made strife between me and my brethren
إسلام ويب
this is the fulfilment of my vision of old! It is His grace that He took me out of the prison and brought you to me from the desert after Satan had stirred up strife between me and my brothers
Such misunderstandings as these have resulted from taking the words in this verse to mean "to perform sajadah"in the technical sense in which it is now used in the Islamic code, that is, "lying flat in such a way that the hands, the knees and the forehead touch the ground," whereas the word sujjadan has been used here in its literal meaning of sajud "to bow down" The Talmud has elaborated this point in a way that is worth reading: The servants of the king said to Mordecai: "Why wilt thou refuse to bow before Haman, transgressing thus the wishes of the king? English - Sahih International : And he raised his parents upon the throne and they bowed to him in prostration And he said "O my father this is the explanation of my vision of before My Lord has made it reality And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers Indeed my Lord is Subtle in what He wills Indeed it is He who is the Knowing the Wise• He was certainly gracious to me when He brought me out of the prison and brought you over from the desert after that Satan had incited ill feeling between me and my brothers
Yusuf's vision became a reality forty years later, or as some say, eighty years, when Yusuf raised his parents to the throne while his brothers were before him, For instance, during the Babylonian captivity of the Children of Israel, king Ahasuerus promoted Haman above all the princes and commanded all his servants to bow and reverence him, but Mordecai, who was a holy and righteous man among the Jews, bowed not, nor did him reverence

The Miraculous Quran

Kemudian ayah Nabi Yusuf Yakub bermukim bersama Yusuf selama dua puluh empat tahun atau tujuh belas tahun.

آیه 100 سوره یوسف
Scholars of Tafsir explained that in Yusuf's dream the eleven stars represent his brothers, who were eleven, and the sun and the moon represent his father and mother
تفسير الآية 100 من سورة يوسف
He is the Knower, the Wise
قد جعلها ربي حقا
Do we not bow before him? Shall I bow down before one born of woman, whose days are short? 23: 7 and "Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land