ماهو الفاعل. تعريف الحال أنواعه وحالاته واعرابه

" "Who is going to take you to the store? Wil Wil is a writer, teacher, learning technologist and keen language learner " "Why are they waiting in line? They go to the cinema• " I am hungry" " My brother is very smart" " That computer is very expensive" " We are going to the store now" " My sister and I will be waiting here" " The building is very big" "When are you going to eat lunch?
He speaks four languages and is currently looking for another one to start learning

بحث عن الفاعل وأنواعه


تدريبات على اسم الفاعل مع الحل
الفواعل المؤثرة في العلاقات الدولية
اسم الفاعل

اسم الفاعل


الفرق بين الفاعل ونائب الفاعل
تعريف الحال أنواعه وحالاته واعرابه