ماي لاب. MyLab Math

Support corequisite courses Pearson offers a variety of content and course options to support students and instructors redesigning their math curriculum Access assignments, rosters, and resources, and synchronize grades with your LMS gradebook
View our Pearson ELT catalogue to find the best course for you, and choose MyEnglishLab instead of, or in addition to your workbook MyLab and Mastering react to how students are actually performing, offering data-driven guidance that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts

MyLab & Mastering

Each student receives just the help they need on prerequisite skills — no more, no less.

برنامج معمل التحاليل الطبية المتكامل الإصدار الثاني (ماي لاب MYLab)
Students can use their computer or the to easily highlight and take notes all in one place — even when offline
Ultrasound Systems
Available for developmental math MyLab courses, Skill Builder offers adaptive practice that is designed to increase students' ability to complete their assignments
MyLab & Mastering
Product images are for illustrative purposes only
Specifications subject to change without notice Digital tools activate learning, to more fully engage learners
Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries Our MyEnglishLab components can replace your traditional Pearson workbook, helping you get more from your course

MyLab Math

These figures are assignable in MyLab Math and encourage active learning, critical thinking, and conceptual understanding.

Educators, Learn About MyLab Math
Mindset Videos and assignable, open-ended exercises foster a growth mindset in students
برنامج معمل التحاليل الطبية المتكامل الإصدار الثاني (ماي لاب MYLab)
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Ultrasound Systems
Transducers are the primary component of a Signal Processing Chain, the system that leads to the final diagnostic image