سورة الاسراء كاملة. تفسير سورة الإسراء

And He has decreed for them an appointed term, whereof there is no doubt " Then, they will shake their heads at you and say: "When will that be? Glorified and Exalted be He! The angels of the night and the angels of the day gather at the time of Fajr prayer
And with truth We have sent it down i And remember when We told you: "Verily! Verily, the Torment of your Lord is something to be afraid of! He rode over the Red Sea to cross over to Ethiopia, but as they proceeded , a heavy stormy wind overtook their boat, and huge waves came to them from all sides, and they thought that they are encircled therein

تفسير سورة الإسراء

Then We destroy it with complete destruction.

سورة الإسراء
Your Lord has encompassed mankind i
سورة الإسراء
e the honour of intercession on the Day of Resurrection "
قراءة سورة الاسراء مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل AlIsra'
And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i She did not see you
e he should not kill except the killer Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer[2]

سورة الإسراء مكتوبة

"Or you have a house of Zukhruf like silver and pure gold , or you ascend up into the sky, and even then we will put no faith in your ascension until you bring down for us a Book that we would read.

سورة الإسراء
" Say: "He Who created you first! And We have explained everything in detail with full explanation
سورة الإسراء مكتوبة بالرسم العثماني
" Say: "Perhaps it is near! Then, We have obliterated the sign of the night with darkness while We have made the sign of the day illuminating, that you may seek bounty from your Lord, and that you may know the number of the years and the reckoning
سورة الإسراء
And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it i
" Sahih Al Bukhri, Vol High above the great falsehood that they say! So whosoever is given his record in his right hand, such will read their records, and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least
I promise You that if You delivered me safe from this, I will go and put my hands in the hands of Prophet Muhammad and surely I will find him full of pity, kindness and mercy He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none comparable or coequal unto Him

017 : سورة الإسراء بدون تشكيل

"And befool them gradually those whom you can among them with your voice i.

قراءة سورة الاسراء مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل AlIsra'
the honour of intercession on the Day of Resurrection
تفسير سورة الإسراء
they are in His Grip
تفسير سورة الإسراء
Am I anything but a man, sent as a Messenger? " Then, they will say: "Who shall bring us back to life? " But Satan promises them nothing but deceit