اصوات البطن. كيفية التخلص من أصوات البطن المزعجة

Percussion is helpful to diagnose the causes of a protuberant abdomen Tenderness elicited by percussion is abnormal, and peritoneal inflammation should be suspected
In the midclavicular line, the liver span is generally between six and twelve centimeters Tenderness on percussion is abnormal and can indicate peritoneal inflammation

Abdominal: Percussion

Explain the procedure to the patient and obtain their consent before starting with the exam.

First, let's talk about the expected abdominal percussion sounds and their interpretations
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In the ascitic abdomen, gas-filled bowel loops float to the top while the ascitic fluid falls to the dependent portion of the abdomen
فحص بطني
tympany or resonance allows for determination of the size and margins of organs and masses, as well as identification of fluid accumulation and areas of consolidation
Overview Source: Alexander Goldfarb, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, MA Medical percussion is based on the difference in pitch between the sounds elicited by tapping on the body wall If the percussion note is dull, or becomes dull on inspiration, splenomegaly should be suspected
Perform light percussion over each of the nine abdominal regions Correct percussion technique is critical for this method to be effective

Abdominal: Percussion

Percuss in the right midclavicular line downwards starting at the nipple line to identify an upper border of liver dullness.

Then, ask the patient to roll on his side and re-percuss
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tympany or resonance allows for determination of the size and margins of organs and masses, as well as identification of fluid accumulation and areas of consolidation
One should also be aware of the limitation of the method and the sensitivity of each diagnostic maneuver Therefore, by percussing one can predict the cause of protuberant abdomen, which helps in diagnosis of conditions like ascites
The presence of large areas of dullness should prompt evaluation for organomegaly, intra-abdominal masses, or fluid Lastly, percussion is helpful to detect the cause of a protuberant abdomen

Abdominal: Percussion

Note the point where the resonant sound changes to dullness…and mark it with a skin pencil.

Abdominal: Percussion
Occasional areas of dullness lower pitched, shorter, and quieter sound than tympany are produced by fluid and feces, and are normal as well
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Normally the spleen and liver are covered by the rib cage, with the liver edge occasionally found 1-2 cm below the costal margin
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Make a mark where the tympany changes to dullness lower border with a skin pencil