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Pickling Main article: with , sugar, , and spices creates various flavored products from cucumbers and other foods Pepones" Reportedly, they were also cultivated in specularia, cucumber houses glazed with oiled cloth
The small form of the cucumber is figured in of the 16th century, however stating that "[i]f hung in a tube while in blossom, the Cucumber will grow to a most surprising length Production Production of cucumbers and gherkins, 2019 Country millions of 70

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[ ] The fruit of typical cultivars of cucumber is roughly , but elongated with tapered ends, and may be as large as 62 centimeters 24 in long and 10 centimeters 4 in in diameter.

The vine has large leaves that form a over the fruits
Traditional Plant Foods of Canadian Indigenous Peoples: Nutrition, Botany and Use
فوائد أكل الخيار
Gilgamesh the epic Sumerian poem• Most commonly grown in greenhouses, these cucumbers are often found in , in plastic
The term is also used in the name for , the West Indian gherkin, a closely related species 12, Sport and Leusure: Roman Gardening Technology"
Description The cucumber is a that roots in the ground and grows up or other supporting frames, wrapping around supports with thin, spiraling In the , these are usually grown in , where are excluded

أنواع الخيار

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, Government of India.

أنواع الخيار
Compared to slicers, picklers tend to be shorter, thicker, less-regularly shaped, and have bumpy skin with tiny white or black-dotted spines
فوائد الخيار: قائمة بأهمها لجمالك ولصحتك
He also describes the preparation of a medication known as elaterium
فوائد أكل الخيار
Most cucumbers that require pollination are , thus requiring the of another plant in order to form and fruit
FAOSTAT of the United Nations In 1630, the Reverend produced a book called New-Englands Plantation in which, describing a garden on Conant's Island in known as The Governor's Garden, he states: The countrie aboundeth naturally with store of roots of great varietie [ ] and good to eat
Burpless Burpless cucumbers are sweeter and have a thinner skin than other varieties of cucumber University of California-Davis: Western Institute for Food Safety and Security, US Department of Agriculture

فوائد خيار شمبر وأضراره

The were also growing them when the first Europeans visited them.

Genomic information genome ID diploid 323
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"Survival, Fecundity and Growth of Wild Cucumber, Echinocystis Lobata"
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99 Mb Sequenced mitochondrion Organelle size 244