Bahkan apa yang mereka kerjakan itu, yaitu kekufuran dan maksiat, telah menutupi hati mereka sehingga tidak mampu membedakan antara yang hak dan batil | Shalih bin Fauzan al-Fauzan, anggota Lajnah Daaimah Komite Fatwa Majelis Ulama KSA Benar, sesungguhnya apa yang mereka katakan tentang AL-Qur'an ini tidak sesuai dengan perkara yang sebenarnya, itu dikarenakan hati mereka telah tertutup, sehingga tidak sampai kepadanya cahaya Al-Qur'an, dan wahyu Allah itu tidak bermanfaat bagi mereka, hati mereka telah tetutup rapat, dosa-dosa telah bertumpuk di hati mereka sampai akhirnya hati itu buta dan tertutup tidak mampu menerima kebenaran, peringatan dan nasehat tidak berpengaruh bagi diri mereka yang bodoh itu |
That is the statement of Allah: Nay! Woe unto him, woe unto him | Basically, it means destruction and devastation |
But on their hearts is the Ran covering which they used to earn.
the Record of the wicked is in Sijjin | "What is it that your Lord has sent down'' They say: "Tales of the men of old! '' Rather, it is the Word of Allah, His inspiration and His revelation to His Messenger |
'' Rather, it is the Word of Allah, His inspiration and His revelation to His Messenger | Truly, the Record of the wicked is in Sijjin |
What has made them say this, is that their hearts have become rusty because of their sins; therefore, a thing which is thoroughly reasonable appears unreal and unreasonable to them.
26And what will make you know what Sijjin is and it is full of hardship and misery | Bersiap-siaplah sebelum hati itu menjadi mati |
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Hasha Bali yametia kutu juu ya nyoyo zao hao walio kuwa wakiyachuma• This is like what is said, "Woe to so-and-so | meaning, they do not believe it will happen, and they do not believe in its existence |
Mereka merasa niikmat dengan memandang Allah yang jauh lebih besar dari seluruh kenikmatan.