الفارابي مختبر. مختبرات الفا الطبية

The Music of the Arabs, ersity Press The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
An Islamic philosophy of virtuous religions : introducing Alfarabi Majid Fakhry, Al-Farabi, Founder of Islamic Neoplatonism: His Life, Works and Influence, Great Islamic Thinkers Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2002 , 157


Corbin, Henry 23 June 2014.

"Al-Farabi's Long Commentary on Aristotle's Categoriae in Hebrew and Arabic", In Studies in Arabic and Islamic Culture, Vol
"Al-Farabi's Introductory Risalah on Logic", The Islamic Quarterly, 1956, pp
مختبرات الفارابي(حي الحمراء)
El camino de la felicidad, trad His parents were of Persian descent, but their ancestors had migrated to Turkistan
See also under the entry Farabi for the same exact Arabic quote

تعلن مختبرات الفارابي الطبية عن شواغر وظيفية لحملة الدبلوم فأعلى بعدة مدن بالمملكة

Kiki Kennedy-Day, Books of Definition in Islamic Philosophy: The Limits of Words, Routledge, 2002, page 32.

Alfarabi Lab
Majid Khadduri; [foreword by R
Pg 134: "Ibn Nadim in his al-Fihrist, which is the first work to mention Farabi considers him to be of Persian origin, as does Muhammad Shahrazuri in his Tarikh al-hukama and Ibn Abi Usaybi'ah in his Tabaqat al-atibba
المختبرات الطبية
His family name suggests that he came from the vicinity of Farab in Transoxiana