PDF on 4 December 2012 | The information is mostly on a know-to basis and just gives some introduction with a few simple details on what are the main traits of a specific tariqah |
Seorang sahabat berbaik hati meminjamkan buku luar biasa ini pekan lalu | It was no wonder that the book was acknowledged as early pioneer work in comparative theology |
Al Milal dianggap sebagai buku terpenting ketiga dalam memahami ushul Aqidah setelah : Aqidah At Thahawiyah Abu Ja'far At Thahawiy dan Aqidah Al Wasithiyyah Ibnu Taimiyyah | The branches were also elucidated by syakh which we could not make it up here |
Rome: Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture |
What is common for most arabic sources of this time is the lack of a proper narrative and they are all narrowed to the same writing style as they add one to another.
12What is common for most arabic sources of th A classical 13th century source that is fairly useful to get a simple picture of the various tariqahs in the early to mid islamic period | The main A precise and well elaborated on history of theological sects within Islam, the syakh may God grant him peace made approaches by considering four fundamentals 1 Attributes and Unity of God 2 Concept of Qadar and Justice as well as questions regarding decree, predestination, acquisition kasb , good and evil 3 Promise and warning 4 On revelation, reason, apostleship and imamate |
Imam Al Syahrastani memaparkan secara mengagumkan peta pertempuran pemikiran pada awal tahun 300 s | Beberapa konsepsi seputar ego, ruh, libido, emosi, tema nabi dan Tuhan termasuk yang dibedah oleh penulis, seolah mengingatkan saya pada katalogisasi aliran pemikiran kontemporer versi WAMY |
The information is mostly on a know-to basis and just gives some introduction with a few simple details on what are the main traits of a specific tariqah.